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Social Emotional Parenting Sessions at IREC

Join us for insightful sessions focused on essential topics related to your child's social and emotional development. Our SEL Coordinator, Virginia Clarke, will hold these sessions at the school.

Session #1- Managing Fighting and Aggression- January 29th at 2:00 pm

Children need limits or simple rules for their own safety and to help them learn to get along with others. This Triple P session will give suggestions on how to remain calm, help children accept limits, follow instructions, solve problems and get along with others.

Session #2- Effective Bedtime Routines and the Importance of Sleep- February 12th at 2:00 pm

Children need a good night's sleep so they have enough energy for the next day's activities. This Triple P session will suggest how to develop a good bedtime routine. We will also discuss bedwetting, why it happens suggestions on how to help your child stay dry at night, and nightmares/night terrors, what they are and some tips on how to help your child settle during the night.

We look forward to having you join us for this great learning opportunity. The session will wrap up before dismissal at 2:50.

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