School Fees

How to Pay School Fees

All school fees and urban busing fees for Wolf Creek Public School students can be paid by following these steps:

  • Click on the Parent Portal and Online Payment link below
  • Log in to your Parent Portal account
  • Click on 'Student Fees' on the left sidebar menu
  • Review your child's fees
  • Add any additional items to your shopping cart
  • Checkout and pay for student fees

School Fees can be paid in full or a payment schedule can be set up.

Parent Portal and Online Payment

Alternatively, payments can also be made at the school office with cash or debit if your bank is not accepted through the Parent Portal payment system.

DUE September 30

Kindergarten School Fees $52.00

  • School supplies such as pencils, glue sticks, notebooks, erasers, duotangs, school T-shirt (for field trips/awareness days such a Bullying, Be Proactive, Pink shirt day, etc.) $28.00
  • Technology Fee - Online Access at school & home to learning supports such as RAZ Kids, Math software & tech refresh for chromebooks & iPads- $24.00

Grade 1-3 School Fees $72.00

  • School supplies such as pencils, glue sticks, notebooks, erasers, duotangs, school T-shirt (for field trips/awareness days such a Bullying, Be Proactive, Pink shirt day, etc.) $32.00
  • Technology Fee - Online Access at school & home to learning supports such as RAZ Kids, Math software & tech refresh for chromebooks & iPads- $40.00


Bright Futures Play Academy Fees

Enrollment Fee: $150 is required to secure acceptance into the program

​2 Half-Day Full Payment: $1350
4 Half-Day Payment: $2700

Payment Options:

PAID in FULL - Between July - September 1st of the program year, families are encouraged to pay the full program amount

50/50 Payment Plan - 50% of the program fees must be paid by September 15th and the remaining 50% is paid by February 1st

Fee Waiver Guidelines and Forms

Please visit the Wolf Creek website for more information